Sunday, September 3, 2017

AJ's 7th Birthday! Cake Locations + Other Amazing News

Welcome to my first real post! Today, I will reviewing all of the recent news and Animal Jam's 7th birthday.

Animal Jam traditionally gives out these codes which award the birthday cakes, but this time around there are seven whole cakes! They are supposed to represent the 7 wonders of Jamaa, and I'm not complaining about seven whole birthday cakes.

You can use the code AJBDAY7 to get 777 gems. You can use those gems to buy all 7 cakes, which cost 77 gems each.

The first cake can be found near the path to Sarepia Forest in Jamaa Township. It depicts the Mira Statue on top of blue frosting, which I hope is blueberry-flavored.

The next cake is in Coral Canyons, at the very highest point. It is next to the Sky High game. It depicts the infamous archway that Jammers had tried so hard to break.

The next cake is in Crystal Sands. It seems hard to find, but is is blending in next to the Pet Wash. The cake shows a huge waterslide. I wonder what flavor the sand is?

The next cake can be found nestled between two waterfalls in Kimbara Outback.  All of a sudden I wish these cakes existed in real life...

The next cake is hidden away in the caves of Appondale. It is next to the Fruit Slinger game. For some reason I think the little wasp nest dangling from the tree is a little gumball.

Next, the Temple of Zios cake can be found near the Chamber of Knowledge. The lynx on the banner looks hungry for that cake.

The final cake can be found at the summit of Mt. Shiveer. The mountaintop looks almost nothing like how I've imagined it.

Here are all of the cakes from the past next to the new ones. :D

I don't really know how I feel about Animal Jam giving us seven buyable cakes. On one paw, SEVEN WHOLE CAKES, which must have taken a lot of creativity, but on the other paw, they won't be as special as the last cakes, since there are so many of them and they are purchasable. 

Also, why no Sarepia Forest? I understand the oceans being left out, but they could've not done Jamaa Township and made the Mira cake for Sarepia Forest instead, which would've worked because you can summon Mira there.

Anyway, onto the Birthday Party!

When you arrive you are greeted by a whole rim of bronze alpha statues! The usual unenthusiastic birthday music starts playing, before kicking up into an upbeat tune. The birthday music, by the way, is available for purchase.

Did I mention you're on top of a giant birthday cake?
If you click the ice cream in the distance you get a vanilla cone pop up next to you!

There are two shops here, both of which sell Alpha-related items.
One of them sells charm necklaces of the original six alphas, which I really like. Which Alpha is your favorite?

Here is where the bronze statues of each and every Alpha are sold. Also, doesn't it make you wonder about some of them, the ones we have never heard at all? Edmund, Juno, Atlas, and Harper. I wonder what their stories are.

At the top, there is a huge candle, which is in the shape of a 7.

And in other news, Autumn Armor has arrived. I have to say, it looks pretty cool, especially with the leaf-woven horns. 
And owls are on sale. Which is cool, I guess, but it would have been better if they made them nonmember. (But then maybe they'd have to make the Forgotten Desert nonmember? Or I guess they could keep it a members-only adventure).

The Summer Carnival is leaving, guys. Oh well... I guess it was for the best. I was getting a bit sick of it anyway. Now I'll just bundle up my 25,324 tickets and leave...

Oh! The Animal Jam desktop app is here! I've heard about this before. I'll have to try it out sometime since Animal Jam just randomly quits sometimes on my browser >:( 

Oh look! More animals that nobody uses are coming and going. I like goats a lot, though. I wonder what would happen if Arctic Wolves went traveling? ;) [The world would fall apart]

That's all I have for today, Jammers. Stay tuned and keep exploring!


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